Once upon a time, nestled within the rolling hills of a picturesque countryside, there existed a humble orchard where rows of apple trees stretched as far as the eye could see. In this orchard lived a little girl named Lily, whose curiosity and zest for life knew no bounds.

Every morning, with her trusty empty basket in hand, Lily would skip merrily into the orchard, her heart brimming with excitement at the prospect of a new day’s harvest. The basket, a simple vessel, held within it the potential for abundance, its emptiness a canvas awaiting the colorful strokes of nature’s bounty.

As she wandered among the apple trees, the sweet scent of ripe fruit filled the air, enticing her senses and igniting her adventurous spirit. With each step, she marveled at the vast array of apples hanging from the branches, their hues ranging from ruby red to golden yellow.

Yet, amidst the sea of ripe apples, Lily noticed something peculiar – scattered among the branches were apples that had begun to wither and decay, their once vibrant skins now marred by time and neglect. It was then that she remembered the wise words passed down to her by her grandmother: “In the emptiness of your basket, you are given the privilege to fill it with goodness. But whether to pick the good apples or the rotten apples is your choice.”

With this thought in mind, Lily approached each tree with care and discernment, selecting only the finest apples to fill her basket. She reached for those that glistened in the sunlight, their firm flesh promising sweetness and nourishment.

As the day wore on and her basket grew heavier with each plump apple, Lily felt a sense of satisfaction wash over her. With diligence and patience, she had filled her basket not only with fruit but with the goodness of her choices.

And so, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden glow upon the orchard, Lily made her way home, her heart full and her basket brimming with the fruits of her labor. For in the emptiness of her basket, she had discovered the power of choice – the choice to fill her life with goodness, one apple at a time.


The moral of the story is that in the emptiness of life, we are given the privilege to fill it with goodness through our choices. Just as the little girl carefully selected only the ripest and sweetest apples to fill her basket, we must choose wisely the experiences and opportunities we pursue, ensuring that they enrich our lives and nourish our souls. By making mindful choices, we can cultivate a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

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